Online Phishing sites shoot in numbers! Nothing is better than a Hidden Spy App for Android at this time

4 min readJul 26, 2021


Internet users have started accustoming themselves according to the changes in the internet frauds and also according to the changes brought in the methods of these frauds. People are willing to upgrade themselves according to the upgradation of the scams to remain safe themselves and also to save their close ones. In their quest of online safety, a Hidden Spy App for Android plays a major role. This can track and save the online activities of the target phone, which helps in detecting the suspicious activities.

Out of all the online scams, Phishing websites poses an ample amount of risk on the internet users. They disguise themselves as the authentic organizations and we tend to give every information in front of such well decorated websites. It is a human tendency to immediately trust anything which is famous or is an established name. Tricksters create hoax websites either to extract certain information or to satisfy their monetary purposes. CHYLDMONITOR is a Hidden Spy App which monitors the web activities of the target phones to get a better idea of the kind of websites used by the target phones.

Online Phishing websites shoots up in numbers

A specialized e-commerce fraud prevention company, Riskified and a cyber intelligence firm IntSights have collaborated for a joint report. The report touched the topic of the increase in the number of online phishing websites. By analysing the data from the third quarter of this year, the collaborated report found an unsettling increase in the numbers of online phishing websites. A mind-boggling increase of 297 per cent was found in the number of the online retail phishing websites.

This figure points us towards the potential risks we all have from such phishing retail websites, while using the internet. This also highlights the importance of the Hidden Spy App for Android. CHYLDMONITOR plays the essential role of a Hidden Spy App for Android for the android users of the country. This app makes every tracking and monitoring options available to the users in one place.

“Retailers are increasingly focused on driving sales through a variety of online channels — Facebook, SMS messaging, Instagram, Twitter and more- all of which provide an ideal opportunity for fraudsters to lure in new victims through phishing attacks as it is the most common way to obtain stolen credit card numbers,” said Guy Nizan, CEO of IntSights.

Most internet user tends to fall into the trap of the phishing tricks of the online predators. The phishing tactics are very conventional, but they sure does the work for the tricksters. Pretending someone else is not easy, imagine the amount of work the hackers and scammers put in to create the authentic looking fake websites. This is the only trick used in the online phishing scams, to work on the fake website in order to make it look authentic and genuine. This is the only way that makes people fall for the trickery.

Hidden Spy App for Android ensures the parents to keep an eye on the children’s internet activities. The parents can be sure with this Hidden Spy App for Android, about the websites their children visit. Giving awareness to your children about the process of phishing scams adds the complete guarantee of child safety from the online phishing scams. Employers can also use a Hidden Spy App for Android to ensure the safe internet browsing by their employees. CHYLDMONITOR helps in acting with immediate response to the potential scams.

Stay safe from Online Phishing scams

Here are some tips to keep you going against the online phishing attacks.

  • If you get an email or pop-up message that asks for personal or financial information, don’t reply to the messages straightaway. Always remember, authentic and established companies never ask for any kind of personal information via email or even from calls. If you are still worried about your account, you can always contact the company and ask them if they require some of your information.
  • Use anti-virus software, as well as a firewall, and always update them. Some phishing emails contain software that can harm your computer or track your activities on the internet without your knowledge. A firewall helps in making yourself invisible on the internet and it also blocks all the communications from unauthorized sources.
  • Don’t email personal or financial information. Email is not a secure method of transmitting personal information. Always look for the indicators that tells you the site is secure, like a lock icon on the browser’s status bar. Although, you cannot rely on the lock icon indicators all the time as some scammers copy them as well.
  • Be cautious while opening any attachment or also from downloading any files from emails you receive, no matter how authentic they might look. These files can contain viruses or other software that can compromise your computer’s data and security.
  • Use CHYLDMONITOR’s Hidden Spy App for Android, it will warn you of all the suspicious activities of the target phone. Knowing anything like this beforehand, always help the person to take proper actions according to the situation.

CHYLDMONITOR is the ultimate online problem solver

CHYLDMONITOR’s Hidden Spy App for Android has more than 30 technical features which provide the best tracking options to the users. Increase in the online phishing websites have, no doubt, increased the tension of the internet users. CHYLDMONITOR comes as a reliever to all the internet related problems. This Hidden Spy App for Android is the ultimate online problem solver for you and your family.

The biggest help that this Hidden Spy App for Android does, is letting know of the suspicious activities, beforehand. The sooner the problem is detected, the sooner it can be solved.

